
sustantivo femenino
1. [lástima]   shame, pity
 ¡qué pena!   what a shame o pity!
 dar pena   to inspire pity
 el pobre me da pena   I feel sorry for the poor chap
2. [tristeza]   sadness, sorrow
3. (generalmente plural) [desgracia]   problem, trouble
4. (generalmente plural) [dificultad]   struggle (uncountable noun)
 a duras penas   with great difficulty
5. [castigo]   punishment
 so o bajo pena de   under penalty of
 pena capital o de muerte   death penalty
6. (Amér) [vergüenza]   shame, embarrassment
 me da pena   I'm ashamed of it
7. (loc)
 (no) valer o merecer la pena   (not) to be worthwhile o worth it
 una película que merece la pena   a film that is worth seeing
 sin pena ni gloria   without distinction

Parole vicine

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