[wel] ( compar better, superl best )adjective
to be/feel well stare/sentirsi bene
to get well guarire
all is well va tutto bene
it's all well and good va benissimo
just as well meno male
[wel] ( compar better, superl best )adverb
1. | [gen]
to go well andare bene well done! bravo ( f brava)! well and truly completamente to be well in with sb (inf) essere amico ( f amica) di qn you're well out of it (inf) è un bene che tu ne sia uscito |
2. | [definitely, certainly]
it was well worth the effort ne valeva proprio la pena you know perfectly well (that) … sai benissimo che … well over sthg ben oltre qc |
3. | [easily, possibly] benissimo |
[wel] ( compar better, superl best )noun
1. | [water source] pozzo m |
2. | [oil well] pozzo m di petrolio |
[wel] ( compar better, superl best )exclamation
1. | [in hesitation,to correct o.s.] beh! |
2. | [to express resignation]
oh well! va beh! |
3. | [in surprise] bene! |
as well
[in addition] anche
I/you etc. might as well (do sthg) potrei/potresti etc. anche (fare qc)
as well as
oltre a
well up
intransitive verb Konjugation
tears welled up in his eyes gli vennero le lacrime agli occhi