[meɪk] ( pt & pp made )transitive verb Konjugation
1. | [produce]
Konjugation hacer
it made a lot of noise hizo mucho ruido she makes her own clothes se hace su propia ropa |
2. | [perform - action]
Konjugation hacer
to make a speech pronunciar or dar un discurso to make a decision tomar una decisión to make a mistake cometer un error to make a payment efectuar un pago |
3. | [cause to be, cause to do]
Konjugation hacer
it makes me seem fatter me hace parecer más gordo it makes me sick me pone enfermo it makes me want to ... me da ganas de ... it made him angry hizo que se enfadara you made me jump! ¡vaya susto que me has dado! we were made to wait in the hall nos hicieron esperar en el vestíbulo to make somebody happy hacer a alguien feliz to make somebody sad entristecer a alguien to make somebody nervous poner nervioso a alguien to make oneself heard hacerse oír don't make me laugh! ¡no me hagas reír! |
4. | [force]
to make somebody do something hacer que alguien haga algo, obligar a alguien a hacer algo they made the hostages lie on the ground hicieron tumbarse en el suelo a los rehenes |
5. | [construct]
to be made of something estar hecho ( f hecha) de algo it's made of wood/metal está hecho de madera/metal made in Spain fabricado en España what's it made of? ¿de qué está hecho? |
6. | [add up to]
Konjugation hacer, Konjugation ser
2 and 2 make 4 2 y 2 hacen or son 4 |
7. | [calculate]
Konjugation calcular
I make it 50/six o'clock calculo que serán 50/las seis what time do you make it? ¿qué hora tienes? |
8. | [earn]
Konjugation ganar
she makes £20,000 a year gana 20.000 libras al año to make a profit obtener beneficios to make a loss sufrir pérdidas |
9. | [have the right qualities for]
Konjugation ser
she'd make a good doctor seguro que sería una buena doctora books make excellent presents los libros son un regalo excelente |
10. | [reach] llegar a |
11. | [cause to be a success]
she really makes the play ella es la que de verdad levanta la obra |
12. | [gain - friend, enemy]
Konjugation hacer
to make friends with somebody hacerse amigo de alguien |
to make it
arrive in time conseguir llegar a tiempo
be a success alcanzar el éxito be able to attend venir/ir survive vivir to have it made tenerlo hecho, tener el éxito asegurado to make do with something apañarse or arreglarse con algo make a right/left (US) da vuelta a la derecha/izquierda |
1. | [brand]
marca f
what make is your car? ¿de qué marca es tu coche? |
2. | (v inf & pej)
to be on the make [act dishonestly, selfishly] barrer siempre para dentro |
make for
transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
1. | [move towards] dirigirse a or hacia |
2. | [contribute to] Konjugation posibilitar, contribuir a |
make into
transitive verb separable Konjugation
to make something into something convertir algo en algo
make of
transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. | [understand]
Konjugation entender
what do you make of this word? ¿qué entiendes tú por esta palabra? |
2. | [have opinion of] opinar de |
make off
intransitive verb Konjugation
darse a la fuga
make off with
transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
(inf) largarse con
make out
transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. | (inf)
Konjugation distinguir
[hear] Konjugation entender, oír |
2. | (inf)
[understand - word, number]
Konjugation descifrar [ - person, attitude] Konjugation comprender |
3. | [fill out - form]
Konjugation rellenar, Konjugation cumplimentar [ - cheque, receipt] Konjugation extender [ - list] Konjugation hacer |
4. | (US & inf) [sexually] darse el lote, fajar (Méx) |
5. | (inf)
to make oneself out to be something dárselas de algo |
make out
transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
(inf) [pretend] Konjugation fingir, Konjugation pretender
she makes out she's tough se las da de dura
make up
transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. | [compose, constitute] Konjugation componer, Konjugation constituir |
2. | [invent] Konjugation inventar |
3. | [apply cosmetics to]
Konjugation maquillar
to make oneself up maquillarse |
4. | [prepare - parcel, prescription, bed] Konjugation preparar, Konjugation hacer |
5. | [make complete - amount]
Konjugation completar [ - difference] Konjugation cubrir [ - deficit, lost time] Konjugation recuperar |
6. | [resolve - quarrel]
to make it up (with somebody) hacer las paces (con alguien) |
make up
intransitive verb Konjugation
[become friends again]
to make up (with somebody) hacer las paces (con alguien)
make up
(US) [test] examen que se realiza más tarde si no se pude hacer en su día
make up for
transitive verb inseparable
Konjugation compensar
to make up for lost time recuperar el tiempo perdido
make up to
transitive verb separable Konjugation
to make it up to somebody (for something) recompensar a alguien (por algo)