[haʊs] ( pl houses )noun
1. | [gen]
casa f
it's on the house offre la casa to put or set one's house in order pensare ai propri problemi |
2. | POL camera f |
3. | [in debates] assemblea f |
4. | [audience in theatre]
sala f
to play to full houses fare il tutto esaurito to bring the house down (inf) entusiasmare la sala |
5. | (uncountable noun) MUS → house music |
6. | (UK) [in school] casa f, (in cui vengono suddivisi gli alunni per partecipare a gare o giochi) |
[haʊz]transitive verb Conjugation
[person - permanently] alloggiare
[ - temporarily] ospitare
[department, library] ospitare
1. | COMM aziendale |
2. | [wine] della casa |