
1. [suitable]
 fit (for something/to do something)   apto ( f apta)(para algo/para hacer algo)
 to see or think fit to do something   creer conveniente hacer algo
 do as you think fit   haz lo que te parezca conveniente
2. [healthy]   en forma
 to keep fit   mantenerse en forma



1. [of clothes, shoes etc]
 it's a good fit   le/te etc. sienta or va bien
 it's a tight fit   le/te etc. va justo ( f justa)
2. [bout, seizure]   ataque m
 he had a fit (lit & fig)   le dio un ataque
 in fits and starts   a trompicones



[fɪt] ( pt & pp fittted,     cont fitting )
transitive verb Conjugation
1. [be correct size for]   sentar bien a, ir bien a
2. [place]
 to fit something into   encajar algo en
3. [provide]
 to fit something with   equipar algo con
 to have an alarm fitted   poner una alarma
4. [be suitable for]   adecuarse a, corresponder a
5. [for clothes]
 she was fitted for her dress   le tomaron las medidas para el vestido



[fɪt] ( pt & pp fittted,     cont fitting )
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [clothes, shoes]   estar bien de talla
2. [part - when assembling etc]
 this bit fits in here   esta pieza encaja aquí
3. [have enough room]   Conjugation caber


fit in

transitive verb separable Conjugation
[accommodate]   hacer un hueco a


fit in

intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [subj: person]
 to fit in (with)   adaptarse (a)
2. [be compatible]
 it doesn't fit in with our plans   no encaja con nuestros planes

similar words

Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient.

  • My sister's decided: she … married next summer.