
[peɪ] (     pt & pp paid )
transitive verb Conjugation
1. [generally]   Conjugation pagar
 to pay somebody for something   pagar a alguien por algo
 he paid £20 for it   pagó 20 libras por ello
 to pay one's way   costearse sus propios gastos
2. (UK) [put into bank account]
 to pay something into   ingresar algo en
 he paid in his wages   ingresó su sueldo
3. [be advantageous to]   ser provechoso ( f provechosa) a
 it will pay you not to say anything   más te vale no decir nada
4. [compliment, visit]   Conjugation hacer
[respects]   Conjugation ofrecer
[attention]   Conjugation prestar
[homage]   Conjugation rendir



[peɪ] (     pt & pp paid )
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [generally]   Conjugation pagar
 to pay by credit card   pagar con tarjeta de crédito
 it pays well   está bien pagado
 to pay dearly for something   pagar caro (por) algo
2. [be profitable]   ser rentable



  sueldo m, paga f


pay back

transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. [money]   Conjugation devolver, Conjugation reembolsar
[person]   devolver el dinero a
2. [revenge oneself]
 to pay somebody back (for something)   hacer pagar a alguien (por algo)


pay for

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
  Conjugation pagar


pay off

transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. [repay - debt]   Conjugation liquidar, Conjugation saldar
2. [dismiss]   despedir con indemnización
3. [bribe]   Conjugation comprar, Conjugation pagar


pay off

intransitive verb Conjugation
[efforts]   dar fruto


pay out

transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. [spend]   Conjugation pagar, Conjugation desembolsar
2. [rope]   ir soltando


pay out

intransitive verb Conjugation
[spend money]   Conjugation pagar


pay up

intransitive verb Conjugation
  Conjugation pagar

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