[send]transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [generally]
Conjugation mandar
to send somebody something, to send something to somebody mandar a alguien algo send me a postcard! ¡mándame una postal! send them my best wishes enviales saludos |
2. | [tell to go]
Conjugation enviar, Conjugation mandar
she sent her son to the shop for a newspaper envió a su hijo a comprar un periódico en la tienda he was sent to prison fue encarcelado |
3. | [subj: explosion, blow]
to send something/somebody flying mandar algo/a alguien por los aires to send somebody to sleep dar sueño a alguien |
send down
transitive verb separable Conjugation
[send to prison] Conjugation encarcelar
send for
transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
1. | [person] mandar llamar a |
2. | [goods, information] Conjugation pedir, Conjugation encargar |
send in
transitive verb separable Conjugation
Conjugation mandar, Conjugation enviar
send off
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [by post] Conjugation mandar (por correo) |
2. | sport Conjugation expulsar |
send off for
transitive verb inseparable
[goods, information] Conjugation pedir, Conjugation encargar
send up
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | (UK & inf) [imitate] Conjugation parodiar, Conjugation satirizar |
2. | (US) [send to prison] Conjugation encarcelar |