1. | [act of stirring]
to give something a stir remover algo |
2. | [public excitement]
revuelo m,
sensación f
to cause a stir causar revuelo |
[stɜ:ɼ] ( pt & pp stirred, cont stirring )transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [mix] Conjugation remover |
2. | [move gently] Conjugation agitar, Conjugation mover |
3. | [move emotionally] Conjugation impresionar, Conjugation conmover |
4. | [move]
to stir oneself moverse |
[stɜ:ɼ] ( pt & pp stirred, cont stirring )intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [move gently] Conjugation moverse, agitarse |
2. | [feeling, idea] despertar el interés |
stir up
transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. | [water, sediment] Conjugation levantar |
2. | [cause] [excitement, hatred etc] Conjugation provocar |