
modal verb Conjugation
1. (in reported speech)
 she said she would come   dijo que vendría
2. (in conditional phrases)
 if she couldn't come she would tell us   si no pudiera venir nos lo diría
 what would you do?   ¿qué harías?
 if he had known, he would have resigned   si lo hubiera sabido, habría dimitido
3. (indicating willingness)
 she wouldn't go   no quiso/quería ir
 he would do anything for her   haría cualquier cosa por ella
4. (in polite questions)
 would you like a drink?   ¿quieres beber algo?
 would you mind closing the window?   ¿le importaría cerrar la ventana?
 help me shut this suitcase, would you?   ayúdame a cerrar esta maleta, ¿quieres?
5. [indicating inevitability]
 he would say that, wouldn't he?   hombre, era de esperar que dijera eso, ¿no?
6. [expressing opinions]
 I would have thought (that) it would be easy   hubiera pensado que sería fácil
 I would prefer ...   preferiría ...
 I would like ...   quisiera ..., quiero ...
7. [giving advice]
 I would report it if I were you   yo en tu lugar lo denunciaría
8. [indicating habit]
 he would smoke a cigar after dinner   solía fumar un puro después de la cena
 she would often complain about the neighbours   se quejaba a menudo de los vecinos
9. [in conjectures]
 it would have been around 2 o'clock   serían las dos

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