
verbo transitivo
1. [afferrare]   Conjugation to take
 prendere qn per mano/a braccetto   to take sb by the hand/arm
  prendere in braccio un bambino   to pick up a child
2. [catturare]   Conjugation to catch
3. [da mangiare, bere]   Conjugation to have
 cosa prendi?   what will you have?
4. [mezzo di trasporto]   Conjugation to take, Conjugation to go by
 prendiamo la macchina?   shall we take the car?
5. [malattia]   Conjugation to catch, Conjugation to get
6. [far pagare]   Conjugation to charge
7. [ottenere, ricevere]   Conjugation to get
 prendere lezioni   to have lessons
 prendere in affitto   to rent
 prendere in prestito   to borrow
 prendere o lasciare   take it or leave it
8. [ritirare, prelevare]   Conjugation to get, Conjugation to pick up
9. [scambiare]
 prendere qn per qn   to take sb for sb
 prenderla (bene/male) reagire  to take it (well/badly)
 prendersela risentirsi  to take it personally
 prendersela con qn sfogarsi  to take it out on sb



verbo intransitivo
1. [colla, cemento]   Conjugation to set
2. [iniziare]
 prendere a fare qc   to begin doing sthg



verbo riflessivo
1.  prendersi a pugni   to start fighting
2.  prendere in simpatia/antipatia   to take a liking/a dislike to sb

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