
( f poca )
  little ( pl few), not much ( pl not many)
 poca agua   not much water
 de poca importancia   of little importance
 hay pocos árboles   there aren't many trees
 pocas personas lo saben   few o not many people know it
 tenemos poco tiempo   we don't have much time
 hace poco tiempo   not long ago
 dame unos pocos días   give me a few days



( f poca )
  little ( pl few), not much ( pl not many)
 queda poco   there's not much left
 tengo muy pocos   I don't have very many, I have very few
 pocos hay que sepan tanto   not many people know so much
 un poco   a bit
 ¿me dejas un poco?   can I have a bit?
 un poco de   a bit of
 un poco de sentido común   a bit of common sense
 unos pocos   a few



1. [escasamente]   not much
 este niño come poco   this boy doesn't eat much
 es poco común   it's not very common
 es un poco triste   it's rather sad
 poco más o menos   more or less
 por poco   almost, nearly
 tener en poco a alguien   not to think much of somebody
2. [brevemente]
 tardaré muy poco   I won't be long
 al poco de ...   shortly after ...
 dentro de poco   soon, in a short time
 hace poco   a little while ago, not long ago
 poco a poco [progresivamente]   little by little, bit by bit
 ¡poco a poco! [despacio]   steady on!, slow down!

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