transitives Verb Konjugation
1. | [ablegen]
Konjugation to put
leg den Schlüssel auf den Tisch put the key on the table |
2. | [in horizontale Position bringen]
Konjugation to lay
du musst die Flaschen ins Regal legen, nicht stellen you should lay the bottles flat in the rack, not put them upright |
3. | [Termin]
Konjugation to arrange
den Urlaub auf Juli legen to arrange one's holidays for July |
4. | [Haare]
Konjugation to set
sich die Haare legen lassen to have one's hair set |
5. | [installieren - Rohre, Kabel]
Konjugation to lay
Minen legen to lay mines Feuer legen to lay a fire |
6. | [Ei] Konjugation to lay |
sich legen
reflexives Verb
1. | [sich hinlegen]
Konjugation to lie down
sich schlafen legen to lie down to sleep |
2. | [Staub, Nebel] Konjugation to settle |
3. | [Aufregung, Sturm] Konjugation to die down |