
sustantivo femenino
1. [edificio]   house
 casa adosada   semi-detached house
 casa de campo   country house
 casa unifamiliar  house (usually detached) on an estate
 se le cae la casa encima [se deprime]   it's the end of the world for him
 echar o tirar la casa por la ventana   to spare no expense
 empezar la casa por el tejado   to put the cart before the horse
 ser de andar por casa [sencillo]   to be simple o basic
 en casa del herrero cuchillo de palo (prov)   the shoemaker's wife is always worst shod
2. [hogar]   home
 en casa   at home
 ir a casa   to go home
 pásate por mi casa   come round to my place
 jugar en casa/fuera de casa   to play at home/away
3. [familia]   family
4. [linaje]   house
5. [empresa]   company
 vino de la casa   house wine
 casa de empeño o préstamo   pawnshop
 casa de citas   brothel
 casa discográfica   record company
6. [organismo]
 casa Consistorial   town hall
 casa de huéspedes   guesthouse
 casa de juego   gambling house
 casa de putas   brothel
 casa de socorro   first-aid post

Casa Rosada
Casa Rosada (the “pink house”) in Buenos Aires, is the name of the Argentinian Presidential Palace. Its pink colour was originally chosen (for an earlier building) by president Domingo Sarmiento (1868-74) to represent a combination betweeen the two feuding political traditions of nineteenth century Argentina - red for the Federalists and white for the Unitarians. Argentina's presidents have addressed the people from the balcony of the palace, but the most famous orator to use it was Evita Peron, so there was a huge controversy when film director Alan Parker obtained permission to use the balcony when filming his musical “Evita” in 1997, with Madonna in the title role.

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