1. | [sound]
Platschen das
it fell into the water with a splash es platschte ins Wasser |
2. | [small quantity - of drink]
Schuss der
[ - of paint, mud] Spritzer der |
3. | [patch - of colour]
Tupfen der
[ - of light] Fleck der |
[splæʃ]transitive verb Conjugation
1. | [subj: person] Conjugation bespritzen |
2. | [subj: water] spritzen auf (+ A) |
3. | [apply haphazardly] Conjugation klatschen |
[splæʃ]intransitive verb Conjugation
1. | [person]
to splash about or around herumspritzen |
2. | [water, liquid]
to splash on/against sthg klatschen an etw (A) /gegen etw |
splash down
intransitive verb Conjugation
[space shuttle] wassern
splash out
(inf)transitive verb separable & intransitive verb Conjugation
I splashed out (£500) on a suit ich habe mir (für 500 Pfund) einen Anzug geleistet