
1. [of liquid, milk, whisky]   gota f
2. [sweet]   pastilla f
3. [decrease]
 drop (in) [price]   caída f (de)
[temperature]   descenso m (de)
[demand, income]   disminución f (en)
4. [distance down]   caída f



[drɒp] ( pt & pp dropped, cont dropping )
transitive verb Conjugation
1. [let fall - generally]   dejar caer
[ - bomb]   Conjugation lanzar
 I dropped the book   se me cayó el libro
 she dropped a stitch   se le escapó un punto
2. [decrease]   Conjugation reducir
3. [voice]   Conjugation bajar
4. [abandon - subject, course]   Conjugation dejar
[ - charges]   Conjugation retirar
[ - person, lover]   Conjugation abandonar
[ - player]   Conjugation excluir, no seleccionar
5. [utter - hint, remark]   Conjugation lanzar, Conjugation soltar
 he's always dropping names   siempre se las está dando de conocer a gente importante
6. sport [game, set]   Conjugation perder
7. [write]
 to drop somebody a line   mandar unas líneas a alguien
8. [let out of car]   Conjugation dejar



[drɒp] ( pt & pp dropped, cont dropping )
intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [fall down]   Conjugation caer
 it dropped onto the ground   se cayó al suelo
 to drop to one's knees   arrodillarse
 drop dead!   ¡vete a la porra!
 we walked until we dropped   estuvimos andando hasta no poder más
2. [fall away - ground]   Conjugation ceder
3. [decrease - temperature, price, voice]   Conjugation bajar
[ - attendance, demand, unemployment]   Conjugation disminuir
[ - wind]   calmarse, Conjugation amainar



plural noun
MED   gotas fpl


drop by

intransitive verb Conjugation
 to drop by (at)   pasarse (por)


drop in

intransitive verb Conjugation
 to drop in on   pasarse por casa de


drop off

transitive verb separable Conjugation
[person, letter]   Conjugation dejar


drop off

intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [fall asleep]   quedarse dormido ( f dormida), dormirse
2. [grow less]   Conjugation disminuir, Conjugation bajar


drop out

intransitive verb Conjugation
 to drop out (of or from) [school, college]   dejar de asistir (a)
[competition]   retirarse (de)

similar words

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