
verbo intransitivo Conjugation
1. [generalmente]   Conjugation to fall
[diente, pelo]   Conjugation to fall out
 dejar caer algo   to drop something
 caer bajo   to sink (very) low
 estar al caer   to be about to arrive
2. [al perder equilibrio]   Conjugation to fall over o down
 caer de un tejado/caballo   to fall from a roof/horse
3. (figurado) [abalanzarse]
 caer sobre   to fall o descend upon
4. (figurado) [aparecer]
 dejarse caer por casa de alguien   to drop by somebody's house
5. (figurado) [sentar]
 caer bien/mal (a alguien) [comentario, noticia etc]   to go down well/badly (with somebody)
6. (figurado) [mostrarse]
 me cae bien/mal   I like/don't like him
7. (figurado) [estar situado]
 cae cerca de aquí   it's not far from here
8. (figurado) [recordar]
 caer (en algo)   to be able to remember (something)
 no caigo   I can't remember


caer en

verbo intransitivo
1. [entender]   Conjugation to get, Conjugation to understand
[solución]   Conjugation to hit upon
2. [coincidir - fecha]   Conjugation to fall on
 cae en domingo   it falls on a Sunday
3. [incurrir]   to fall into



verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. [persona]   Conjugation to fall over o down
 caerse de   to fall from
 caerse de ingenuo/listo (figurado)   to be incredibly naive/clever
2. [objetos]   Conjugation to drop, Conjugation to fall
3. [desprenderse - diente, pelo etc]   Conjugation to fall out
[ - botón]   Conjugation to fall off
[ - cuadro]   Conjugation to fall down
4. [falda, pantalones etc]   Conjugation to fall down
 se te caen los pantalones   your trousers are falling down

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