
[gɪv] (     pt gave,     pp given )
transitive verb Conjugation
1. [generally]   Conjugation dar
[time, effort]   Conjugation dedicar
[attention]   Conjugation prestar
 to give somebody/something something, to give something to somebody/something   dar algo a alguien/algo
 he was given twenty years [sentenced to]   le cayeron veinte años
 to give a shrug   encogerse de hombros
 to give somebody a look   lanzar una mirada a alguien
2. [as present]
 to give somebody something, to give something to somebody   regalar algo a alguien
3. [hand over]
 to give somebody something, to give something to somebody   entregar or dar algo a alguien
4. (inf) [pay]
 to give something (for something)   dar or pagar algo (por algo)
 I am given to believe or understand that... (fml)   tengo entendido que...
 I'd give anything or my right arm to do that   daría cualquier cosa por hacer eso



[gɪv] (     pt gave,     pp given )
intransitive verb Conjugation
[collapse, break]   Conjugation romperse, Conjugation ceder
[stretch]   dar de sí



[elasticity]   elasticidad f


give or take

  más o menos
 in half an hour give or take five minutes   dentro de media hora, cinco minutos más o cinco minutos menos


give away

transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. [as present]   Conjugation regalar
2. [reveal]   Conjugation revelar, Conjugation descubrir
3. [bride]   llevar al altar


give back

transitive verb separable Conjugation
[return]   Conjugation devolver, Conjugation regresar (Méx)


give in

intransitive verb Conjugation
1. [admit defeat]   Conjugation rendirse, darse por vencido ( f vencida), transar (Amér)
2. [agree unwillingly]
 to give in to something   ceder ante algo


give off

transitive verb inseparable Conjugation
[produce, emit]   Conjugation despedir


give out

transitive verb separable Conjugation
[distribute]   Conjugation repartir, Conjugation distribuir


give out

intransitive verb Conjugation
[supply, strength]   agotarse, acabarse
[legs, machine]   Conjugation fallar


give over

transitive verb separable Conjugation
 to be given over to something   dedicarse a algo


give over

intransitive verb Conjugation
(UK & inf) [stop]
 give over!   ¡basta or vale ya!


give up

transitive verb separable Conjugation
1. [stop]   Conjugation abandonar
 to give up chocolate   dejar de comer chocolate
2. [job]   Conjugation dejar
3. [surrender]
 to give oneself up (to somebody)   entregarse (a alguien)


give up

intransitive verb Conjugation
  Conjugation rendirse, darse por vencido(da)


give up on

transitive verb inseparable
[abandon]   dejar por imposible

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