verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. | [asir, agarrar]
Conjugation to take
coger a alguien de o por la mano to take somebody by the hand |
2. | [atrapar - ladrón, pez, pájaro] Conjugation to catch |
3. | [alcanzar - persona, vehículo] to catch up with |
4. | [recoger - frutos, flores] Conjugation to pick |
5. | [quedarse con - propina, empleo, piso] Conjugation to take |
6. | [contratar - personal] Conjugation to take on |
7. | [quitar]
coger algo (a alguien) to take something (from somebody) |
8. | [tren, autobús]
Conjugation to take, Conjugation to catch
no me gusta coger el avión I don't like flying |
9. | [contraer - gripe, resfriado]
Conjugation to catch, Conjugation to get
coger una borrachera to get drunk |
10. | [sentir - manía, odio, afecto]
to start to feel
coger cariño/miedo a to become fond/scared of |
11. | [suj: coche]
to knock over, Conjugation to run over
[suj: toro] Conjugation to gore |
12. | [oír]
Conjugation to catch
[entender] Conjugation to get no cogió el chiste he didn't get the joke |
13. | [sorprender, encontrar]
coger a alguien haciendo algo to catch somebody doing something lo cogieron robando they caught him stealing |
14. | [sintonizar - canal, emisora] Conjugation to get, Conjugation to receive |
15. | [abarcar - espacio] Conjugation to cover, Conjugation to take up |
16. | (Méx) (R Plata) (Ven) (vulg) [tener relaciones sexuales con] Conjugation to screw, Conjugation to fuck |
verbo intransitivo Conjugation
1. | [situarse]
Conjugation to be
coge muy cerca de aquí it's not very far from here |
2. | [dirigirse]
coger a la derecha/la izquierda to turn right/left |
3. | (loc)
cogió y se fue he upped and went de pronto cogió y me insultó he turned round and insulted me |
verbo pronominal
1. | [agarrarse]
cogerse de o a algo to cling to o clutch something |
2. | [pillarse]
cogerse los dedos/la falda en la puerta to catch one's fingers/skirt in the door |