
verbo transitivo Conjugation
1. [generalmente]   Conjugation to put
[colocar]   Conjugation to place, Conjugation to put
2. [vestir]
 poner algo a alguien   to put something on somebody
3. [contribuir, invertir]   Conjugation to put in
 poner dinero en el negocio   to put money into the business
 poner algo de mi/tu etc. parte   to do my/your etc. bit
4. [hacer estar de cierta manera]
 poner a alguien en un aprieto/de mal humor   to put somebody in a difficult position/in a bad mood
 le has puesto colorado   you've made him blush
5. [calificar]
 poner a alguien de algo   to call somebody something
6. [oponer]
 poner obstáculos a algo   to hinder something
 poner pegas a algo   to raise objections to something
7. [asignar - precio, medida]   Conjugation to fix, Conjugation to settle
[ - multa, tarea]   Conjugation to give
 le pusieron Mario   they called him Mario
8. [TELECOM - telegrama, fax]   Conjugation to send
[ - conferencia]   Conjugation to make
 ¿me pones con él?   can you put me through to him?
9. [conectar - televisión etc]   Conjugation to switch o put on
[ - despertador]   Conjugation to set
[ - instalación, gas]   Conjugation to put in
10. CINE & TEATRO & TV   Conjugation to show
 ¿qué ponen en la tele?   what's on the telly?
11. [montar - negocio]   Conjugation to set up
 ha puesto una tienda   she has opened a shop
12. [decorar]   Conjugation to do up
 han puesto su casa con mucho lujo   they've done up their house in real style
13. [suponer]   Conjugation to suppose
 pongamos que sucedió así   (let's) suppose that's what happened
 pon que necesitemos cinco días   suppose we need five days
 poniendo que todo salga bien   assuming everything goes according to plan
14. [decir]   Conjugation to say
 ¿qué pone ahí?   what does it say?
15. [huevo]   Conjugation to lay



verbo intransitivo Conjugation
[ave]   Conjugation to lay (eggs)



verbo pronominal Conjugation
1. [colocarse]   to put o.s.
 ponerse de pie   to stand up
 ponte en la ventana   stand by the window
2. [ropa, gafas, maquillaje]   Conjugation to put on
3. [estar de cierta manera]   Conjugation to go, Conjugation to become
 se puso rojo de ira   he went red with anger
 se puso colorado   he blushed
 se puso muy guapa   she made herself attractive
4. [iniciar]
 ponerse a hacer algo   to start doing something
5. [de salud]
 ponerse malo o enfermo   to fall ill
 ponerse bien   to get better
6. [llenarse]
 ponerse de algo   to get covered in something
 se puso de barro hasta las rodillas   he got covered in mud up to the knees
7. [suj: astro]   Conjugation to set
8. [llegar]
 ponerse en   to get to



verbo impersonal Conjugation
(Amér & familiar) [parecer]
 se me pone que ...   it seems to me that ...

similar words

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